Ex Tax: 1.65€
A mid-early, super-sweet hybrid of sweet corn with an excellent combination of yield and extraordinary taste.
The average number of kernel rows on the corncob is 16-18.
This hybrid is ideal for freezing, conservation and direct consumption.
* Corn is a heat-loving crop, so it should be sown in open ground when stable heat is established: when the threat of frost has passed, and the soil temperature is at least +15 degrees. If the soil temperature is below +10 degrees, the corn seeds practically do not germinate, but rot.
Since the seeds of super-sweet corn are puny, they have reduced germination and germination energy. It should be taken into account that the germination of seeds of this corn requires twice as much moisture as for ordinary corn. Therefore, super-sweet corn should not be sown in dry soil.
Before sowing, it is necessary to soak the seeds for 5-6 hours.
Then we sow the swollen seeds of super-sweet corn in the holes, which we also generously water.
When sowing, we add complex mineral fertilizer to the holes. We deepen the seeds of super-sweet corn by 5-6 cm, sowing according to the scheme: between rows 60-70 cm, between plants 20-30 cm.
Further care for the seedlings of super-sweet corn is normal, it consists of weeding and hilling.
When growing seedlings, keep in mind that corn seedlings do not tolerate transplantation well, so it is advisable to sow the seeds for seedlings in cups, so that later you can plant young plants in open ground without destroying the earthen lump.
It is better to sow two grains in each cup (if both seeds sprout, then the weakest sprout should be removed).
Corn seedlings must be prepared so that about 20-25 days pass before they are planted in the ground. It is undesirable to keep the seedlings in cups longer - the young plants will stretch out, and then will take root much worse after planting. Harvesting of super sweet corn cobs should be done in a timely manner - at the stage of milk ripeness of the grains. This optimal moment can be determined by the change in color of the corn silk on the cobs. When the silk turns brown and dries up, you can start harvesting the corn. This usually happens approximately 20-25 days after the silk appears (the warmer the weather, the shorter this period will be). You should not harvest super sweet corn cobs before the optimal time: they will not yet become sweet (because they will not have time to accumulate enough sugars), and the grains will be watery.
Corn: 4 cobs.
Butter (melted): 60 g.
Lime zest: from 1 fruit.
Ground hot pepper: to taste.
1. Finely chop the lime zest. Mix with butter, salt and pepper with a fork.
2. Brush the washed, peeled cobs with the resulting sauce using a kitchen brush.
3. Wrap them in foil and grill for no more than 20 minutes, turning occasionally.